FSA offers a world-class sports training experience in the Greater Seattle Area by former professional players. All lessons aim to provide a fun and safe learning environment while challenging their players to reach their full potential. HBSI Capital provided seed funding for this organization to help establish initial consumers and pivot the business into areas of recurring revenue and reliable profitability. Since its inception, FSA has grown substantially. FSA is about to launch its franchising model and has recently establish a sponsorship with Adidas.
“Without HBSI Capital this organization wouldn’t exist and surely not in its current form. Our success has already exceeded my highest expectations. I’ve learned a tremendous amount about business, leadership, and how to run an effective organization. HBSI Capital has helped me adjust the business model to establish reliable revenue and continues to provide vision on how best to scale the company. The one on one mentorship is invaluable professionally and they are a great sounding board when making key business decisions.” – Mia Fisher, CEO of FSA